Should I make my website ADA accessible? What if federal law doesn’t require it?

It is safe to say that a website is a lot easier to access nowadays than a physical building. Your website allows anyone from around the world to view and access your services, products and gather information about your business like never before. This increased access can also mean an increase in the chance of a lawsuit from the higher eye-traffic.

For starters if your company falls under any of these industries you are required to be WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliant:

  • E-Commerce

  • Lodging

  • Businesses serving food and/or drink

  • Entertainment or exhibition

  • Public gathering

  • Sales or rental businesses

  • Service establishments

  • Public transportation

  • Public display

  • Education

  • Social services

  • Exercise or recreation

If your company doesn’t fall under any of these categories, that doesn’t mean you still can’t be sued. The category umbrella is constantly growing as WCAG changes and improves which means you should protect yourself and ensure your website is compliant regardless of whether it’s currently required or not. This will also help reduce the chance you’ll be served  with an unjustified lawsuit and having to prove you don’t need to be compliant.

Being WCAG compliant is also just good business. Allowing everyone of all types to access your website improves traffic and promotes accessibility. You never know how many people might be leaving your website simply because they cannot use it or they become frustrated and just leave and find someone else whose website they can access.

It’s easier than you think to become compliant.

It may seem like a headache to have your website updated to become compliant, but it is a lot easier and less costly than fixing physical built incompliance (think of having to renovate a bathroom or sales counter). First, making your website compliant doesn’t require an in person visit to look at your website. Everything can be reviewed online and discussed through a phone call, zoom, or email. Second, almost anyone can make their website compliant themselves if they are using a website builder like Wordpress or Wix. These sites are user friendly and allow for simple changes. If you had your website built by a team of developers, you can simply hand them the report of changes and they will know what to do. Last is time and speed.  Having an inspection done on your site is much cheaper than having an inspector fly or drive to your location. You then need to have contractors fix any issues found which can be very expensive. A website inspection can have your website accessible and WCAG compliant much faster and more cost-effective and the kicker?  You enjoy knowing you’re protected sooner than later.

How do I become compliant?

Let us be your first step to becoming accessible and compliant. Send us an email through our website at or give us a call at 916-805-0290. We would love to hear from you and discuss making your website more accessible and compliant.


ADA website accessibility. Are widgets and overlays the way to go?